Winter Activity at Vermillion Growers
November 30, 2020
Manitobans love to joke, usually rather deadpan, that we only have two seasons: winter and construction. While we usually refer to construction as our suffering longer commute times due to road repairs, the idea that all construction ceases completely in the winter is inherent in the joke. And it is that idea which has prompted a number of folk to reach out and ask about our progress over the winter. As not only Investor Relations Specialist for Vermillion Growers, but also an investor IN the Vermillion state-of-the-art glass greenhouse project, I am happy to share current and projected progress for the winter in this month’s blog post.
Over the past number of months, we have documented and displayed our warehouse progress. The completion of the basic warehouse structure is no small feat on its own. Added to that is the important connection the warehouse will have to the greenhouse itself, given the logistics of moving tomatoes to the building from which the product will be transported to our customers. In addition, the warehouse will be home to the boilers for the greenhouse, making the warehouse a vital square on the board.
But what we are all most interested in, as we recognize COVID-19 delays and recent snowfalls portending winter, is what progress can and will be made over the winter months. I am delighted to share that the winter will be a flurry of activity on site on the greenhouse portion itself!
To be most clear and simple about work over the winter, we will be prepping soil for the installation of piles for the foundation of phase one of the greenhouse. Phase one includes the first 10 acres of actual growing area everyone is eagerly anticipating, plus approximately two acres to house administration and the amazing irrigation technology which makes our project so “state-of-the-art.” In fact, it is the irrigation components, such as tanks, pumps, and treatment which will occupy the majority of those additional two acres. Once the soil has been prepped, we will actually be installing the piles. One of the benefits of the type of piles we chose, called screw piles, is we can install them over winter!
In the photo below, you see machinery and crew on site, hard at work prepping soil for phase one of the greenhouse.

And here, our drone is flying over the phase one 10 acre growing area with the warehouse in the distance. The soil is being prepped for the screw pile foundation.

Over the coming months, we’ll continue to share with you our excitement of seeing the actual greenhouse constructed.
In the meantime, stay warm, stay safe, and stay well. If you have questions about our project, please contact us at any time.